Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The New Fat Train

In a recent post, fellow blogger Josh Toulouse made the following apology for doing a video game-related post on a blog devoted to film and television:
Now, I know that video games don't really fall within the realm of what this blog covers, and I'm not trying to confuse you by adding something new to the mix at this late date (this being my 201st post and all), but there will be a 6 episode web series this summer based on the world introduced to us in Dragon Age Origins, and seeing as how web series are close enough to television for government work, I feel comfortable covering it.
Upon reading this post, I thought that it was incredibly unfortunate that Josh has to place such limits on his posting. What would I do in the same situation? Clearly, judging by my past, I would trash my blog and start a new, unlimited blog titled Cavemengo, but that just isn't an option for Josh. He's got quite a readership that he would be losing in the move.

The answer that came to me seemed simple: Just rename the blog so that its title included video games in the items reviewed. Rather than Fat (Film and Television) Train, I thought Josh would be better served with a name like Favre (Film and Video games/Religion/Entertainment) Train. Upon pitching this idea, Josh expressed a great deal of disgust.

But I knew it was a fantastic idea. Consider this my second pitch to Josh Toulouse. For your consideration, Favre Train:

Stay tuned for an exclusive on Josh's response.

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