Monday, June 20, 2011

Woot Weekly Round-Up 6/20/2011

This week has been full of changes over at Woot. There are only three t-shirts that I now recommend from the Top 20:

#2. The Cheese is a Liederkranz (For the first time since I can remember, this t-shirt has been dethroned from the #1 spot, and the really sad news is that the t-shirt that replaced it is cute, but completely inferior.)

#16. Meh (This t-shirt should still be in the Top 3, and if you ask me it's still the best shirt you can get from Woot. Unfortunately, it's sliding toward disaster.)

#18. In Harmony (We were very close to losing this t-shirt today, but through the actions of people who read this blog, and presumably others as well, we were able to save this shirt for at least another week. Congratulations. You deserve it!)

The Going... Going... category is peppered with some of the best designs on the entire list. "Actual Cats" and "Ro-boss" are nearly as good as the t-shirts I've been promoting for some time. Unfortunately, one of the best t-shirts I've ever seen on Woot is now only available for the next 24 hours. Of all of my favorites, "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves" is probably the easiest for me to wave goodbye to, mostly because I already own this shirt, but I'm unhappy that after today none of you will ever be able to buy it again. If you're interested in this shirt, buy it now!

#21. Eats, Shoots, and Leaves (We'll miss you, t-shirt!)

The Bystanders keep getting closer and closer to something I would buy, but they are just missing that certain something. I would imagine that within the next week or so we are going to see a truly worthy t-shirt appear on Woot. We need one to make up for the loss of "Eats, Shoots, and Leaves," after all.

As always, check out Shirt.Woot for fantastic daily deals, and make sure you hop on over to the Reckoning and make sure your favorite shirts don't get kicked off of the site.

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