Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thursday TV Tournament: Match-up 3 Results

The third match-up was the most difficult match-up to date. Both "PDA" (The Office, Season Seven, Episode Sixteen, aired February 10, 2011) and "Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking" (Community, Season Two, Episode Sixteen, aired February 17, 2011) were among my top ten favorite episodes this season. Both were smart and funny and put into motion the most important story arcs of the season. In a difficult battle, the results are in:

If you know anything about me, you know that I absolutely love NBC's Community (even though they don't seem to do much during the first half of each season) and I have been disappointed in NBC's The Office for a season or two. In light of these revelations, I'm sure you're incredibly surprised that I chose The Office as the winner of this match-up. While Community was fantastic, and in many ways it was a shout-out to The Office during Steve Carell's final season on the show, "PDA" was the first episode of The Office in a long time that depicted Michael, Jim and Pam, Dwight, and all of your other favorite characters in an interesting way. The comedy was first rate, and we finally get to see Michael and Holly back together. This episode had a heck of a pay-off, and because of this it beat out one of the best Community episodes of the season.

Our beloved friend Adam Friedli is going to be unhappy about this one. He predicted that Community would win because The Office just didn't bring it as much. Sorry about the loss, buddy. I hope you and others will continue to speculate regarding the winners of this tournament!

Stay tuned for our next match-up between the eighth seed, The Office Season Seven, Episode Twenty-Six: "Search Committee," which aired May 19, 2011, and twenty-fifth seed, Community Season Two, Episode Seventeen: "Intro to Political Science," which aired February 24, 2011.

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