Monday, May 30, 2011

Woot Weekly Round-Up 5/30/2011

Not a lot of changes on Of the Top 20 t-shirts at Shirt.Woot's Reckoning, these are four that I recommend you check out:

#1. The Cheese Is A Liederkranz

#4. Eats, Shoots, and Leaves (I received this shirt in the mail and the detail is insane. Immediately, I spilled on it. It remains to be seen whether or not the damage is permanent. Hopes and prayers, people.)

#7. In Harmony

#9. Meh

In the Going, Going... category I'm a little surprised that #26 In A Galaxy Bar Far Away is going to be leaving us, as it is one of the best shirts released in the last two weeks. That said, it doesn't break my heart that it's gone. As for the Bystanders, none of them really made it onto my radar.

As always, check out Shirt.Woot for fantastic daily deals, and make sure you hop on over to the Reckoning and make sure your favorite shirts don't get kicked off of the site.

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