Monday, May 23, 2011

Woot Weekly Round-Up 5/23/2011

Of the Top 20 t-shirts at Shirt.Woot's Reckoning, these are four that I don't think you should miss out on.

#1. The Cheese Is A Liederkranz

#4. Eats, Shoots, and Leaves (I already bought this one!)

#6. In Harmony

#8. Meh

There's really nothing in the Going, Going... category that I'm sad to see leave. In fact, I'm fairly happy the Thesaurus t-shirt will be leaving us. As for the Bystanders, Thursday's In A Galaxy Bar Far Away is pretty interesting, but I wouldn't say it's one of the best I've seen.

Good work making sure Eats, Shoots, and Leaves didn't get eliminated, my friends, and good job skyrocketing it nearly to the top of the Top 20. As always, check out Shirt.Woot for fantastic daily deals, and make sure you hop on over to the Reckoning and make sure your favorite shirts don't get kicked off of the site.

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