Tuesday, March 15, 2011

WoW Detox

For some time I've seriously considered writing a book on the ethical implications of making a video game that is as addicting as World of Warcraft. It would require that I had enough money to take a year off to play World of Warcraft while outlining and writing. In other words, it would probably have to be a second or third book, something that I can invest in with the proceeds from a previous book. As of now, it seems more like a pipe dream, but because of my interest I was linked to a site called WoW Detox, "a volunteer-run web site aimed at people with gaming addiction to World of Warcraft" where "gamers and ex-gamers can share their testimonies freely and anonymously." I find this web site both comedic and grave, comedic because of the absurdity of a world where video game addiction can be a serious concern, and grave simply because video game addiction is a serious concern.

Here is a video titled WoW Detox 2011, featuring a sample of addiction-fueled Red Hot Chili Peppers song, "Under the Bridge," and sporting the title, "Life Can Only Wait So Long."

Check out WoW Detox here, if you are or have been addicted to World of Warcraft, or if you are interested in seeing how serious of a problem video game addiction has come to be.

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