Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Monitor Files 1: Marvel Heroes

The Monitor is a DC comics character whose sole purpose is to monitor the universe for aberrations, universe-hoppers who do not belong in our universe. The Monitor Files point out individuals in the smash hit MMO DC Universe Online who clearly are not of this universe.

For the first installation of The Monitor Files, I would like to present to you miscreants who hail from the most adversarial universe to the DC Universe. You guessed it: today's universe-jumpers hail from none other than the Marvel universe. Certainly, there have been cross-overs throughout the years, including DC Vs. Marvel Comics / Marvel vs. DC Comics crossover in 1996 that spawned the somewhat more interesting Amalgam Comics soon after. If there's anyone who doesn't belong in the DC Universe, it is certainly the following Marvel heroes:

1. Captain America

For some reason, the Cap has clearly donned some obscure armor while in the DC Universe, but that's good old Steve Rogers nonetheless.

2. Deadpool

We all know how Deadpool got into the DC Universe, and as a result magical barriers have recently been placed on "the fourth wall."

3. Hulk

4. Human Torch

So, that's where he went...

5. Thor


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