Saturday, February 26, 2011

If It Bleeds...

As if the witty reference to an Arnold Schwarzenegger quote from Predator weren't enough to catch my attention, If It Bleeds... has become one of my favorite blogs in the last couple of weeks both because it attempts to review every noteworthy album of 2011 (and some others) and because it is published by my beautiful girlfriend Amy Bolan (and no, she's still not related to the lead singer of T. Rex).

When I took on Arnold 365, a project devoted to posting a new and witty Arnold Schwarzenegger clip every day in 2011, I thought I was endeavoring on an enormous project. But then Amy brought up the idea of reviewing nearly every album released in 2011 and I was floored. If It Bleeds... is an ambitious project. Lucky for us that Amy is an ambitious woman. My position is completely unbiased and based strictly on experience: Amy is the kind of person who will deliver on a weekly basis and who has interesting insight into a wide variety of different albums. If It Bleeds... will not go the way of LOST 365 (may it rest in peace).

One last thing about If It Bleeds.... At the end of each month, Amy compiles a playlist comprised of the finest songs that best represent the style of the artist and the feel of the album. In a year that has already seen albums by Bright Eyes and Radiohead halfway into the first quarter, this is the time we really need someone to tell us about the best of 2011. There are a lot of promises in the music industry this year, and Amy has decided to help us figure out whether or not we're getting the kind of music we deserve.

Check out Amy's blog If It Bleeds... by clicking here. Immediately after you visit the site, make sure you bookmark it, subscribe to it, and tell Amy what you think.

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