Tuesday, February 1, 2011

A Guide to Video Game Lingo 4

1. Shmup (noun) - short for shoot 'em up, which, in turn, is short for shoot them up; a video game in which a sole character shoots large numbers of enemy attackers while dodging their attacks, sometimes in a spaceship or aircraft of sorts.

"I'd play a shmup, but I have trouble telling the difference between my bullets and the bad guys' bullets."

2. Noob tube (noun) - term for a variety of rocket launchers, grenade launchers and occasionally automatic shotguns that require very little skill to use and offer their users considerable advantage over their foes.

"That dick is using the noob tube again. Ugh!"

3. Pwn (verb) - to own or dominate ones opponents; derived from a misspelling of the word "own" with a "p."

"Look who just pwned your #@^!"

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