Monday, January 17, 2011

Postcard 2010: Dating

During Spring Break 2010, I found myself in Roswell, New Mexico, in a hotel with three friends, Stephan, Adam and Tom. Stephan was at the time and remains in a happy relationship, but he was the only one. In fact, the rest of us were all reeling from recent break-ups. If we were honest with ourselves we were searching desperately for something new but we were each hamstringed by some sort of emotional unreadiness. This trip was all about being honest with ourselves.

I can say without exaggeration that during the first half of 2010 much of my consciousness was devoted to readying myself for love. At the end of the winter semester I traveled to New York City and used the metropolis as my laboratory. I grew a culture of confidence and charm there, powering up like Superman aside Earth's yellow sun. Upon returning to Grand Rapids, I released these energies upon an unsuspecting woman named Amy.

Amy is my current girlfriend, and I've ret-conned her into the position of love-of-my-life 1982 to current. After an exciting and passionate summer together and a difficult autumn apart, we rang in the New Year in one another's arms. I don't expect I'll ever need to find a new love. I may be foolish to suggest this after only eight months, but I prefer to see it as bold or courageous, heroic even, but most of all accurate.

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