Saturday, January 15, 2011

Postcard 2010: Blogging

Blogging is not exactly a new concept for me. I used to have a blog about music called Music, Sweet Music, one about food called Corn Like an Angel, a blog about travel called Captain's Blog. I've had many other blogs besides these. It kind of doesn't make any sense to suggest that blogging was a new frontier for me in 2010.

But it kind of does.

It was during 2010 that I really started taking blogging seriously. In previous years I had been the author of narrowly defined blogs with specific purposes. I would be into writing them for a while, but one of two things always happened: I either did not have enough experiences to continue to write (it is hard to write a travel blog when you're stuck in one place without a car), or I simply became bored with that specific topic. 

My friend Elliot always supported what I was doing, but he thought I was spreading myself too thin. Elliot and I had both written for our band's blog Get Stop Ticket. He had also started a blog to showcase his art and music projects and things he was interested in called simply Elliot Mayo. Largely due to Elliot's influence I decided to create one blog to rule them all, and I called it Cavemen Go. That's the blog that you're reading right now.

In order to keep from being redundant, I will direct you to "500th Post / Clip Show", a blog I wrote in November of 2010 to celebrate 500 posts on Cavemen Go. If you're interested in learning more about the history of this blog, all you have to do is click here.

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