Friday, December 10, 2010

Jack Coleman

Actor Jack Coleman. I was never all that big on Heroes, but even as Noah Bennett I could sense that Jack Coleman was probably the best actor on the show. With Ando Masahashi, Noah Bennett was one of the only characters I wasn't completely annoyed with by the end of the first season, probably because these were regular human beings who showed great courage without having insane power to back it up. That said, I really don't want to talk about Heroes. I want to talk about Coleman's performance as political adviser Joe Dugan on a recent episode of House, which is easily one of the best guest performances all year. If you blinked you may have missed him, but he also had a cameo on The Office as an unnamed possible love interest for Angela. The Office needs more breaths of fresh air like Coleman. As a matter of fact, I'm already willing to offer him Michael's job at the end of the current season, but you know that I'd rather they finish the show right. My beefs with Heroes and The Office aside, I want to say that I really look forward to seeing Jack Coleman on my small screen.

1 comment:

  1. He is awesome. According to the Heroes Make-up lady, he'll be in at least 3 episodes. So, still waiting for the 3rd one.
