Friday, November 12, 2010

Radiohead OK Computer (1997: Capitol)

1. "Airbag" - 4:44
2. "Paranoid Android" - 6:23
3. "Subterranean Homesick Alien" - 4:27
4. "Exit Music (For a Film)" - 4:24
5. "Let Down" - 4:59
6. "Karma Police" - 4:21
7. "Fitter Happier" - 1:57
8. "Electioneering" - 3:50
9. "Climbing Up the Walls" - 4:45
10. "No Surprises" - 3:48
11. "Lucky" - 4:19
12. "The Tourist" - 5:24


  1. My favorite Radiohead album of all time. Followed by "The Bends" and Hail to the Thief"

  2. It's possibly the defining moment in Radiohead's career. Stay tuned, though. I'm going to write an essay about this album pretty soon.

    Until then, feel free to tell me what you love about this album, interesting facts, etc. I may be able to research them and incorporate them into the upcoming post.

    Thanks for your comment.
