Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Guide to Video Game Lingo

1. Molly - (noun) Molotov Cocktail; an improvised incendiary device created by filling a glass bottle with a flammable substance, capped with an alcohol soaked cloth wick; capable of doing fire damage to multiple targets when wick is lit and bottle is smashed on or near targets.

"Tank! Hit it with a molly!"

2. 'Nade - (noun) Grenade; an anti-personnel weapon that explodes a short time after release; capable of doing explosive to one or more targets depending on proximity to explosion.

"'Nade out!"

3. Spam - (verb) Originally a reference to mass, unfiltered e-mails, spamming now also refers to indiscriminate use of multiple projectile devices such as grenades, smoke grenades, flash bangs, pipe bombs or Molotov cocktails.

"That noob just keeps spamming 'nades."

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