Thursday, October 14, 2010

Another Commander Chris Article

Mark Mattison is a child of the Star Wars era, a watcher of Star Trek reruns and a reader of science fiction from childhood. He can now call himself a writer of science fiction, thanks to his first book, “Commander Chris and the Mystical Orb” (Gollehon Books, $9.95)
Chris Morinas, a teenage skateboarder and popularity contest loser, is mysteriously transformed in a lab accident and finds himself warped into another galaxy where he becomes commander of a space ship and its strange crew. They embark on a rescue mission but end up embroiled in a fight to save their world and defeat evil.
“This is a novel broader than its sci-fi genre,” Mattison said. “It’s the story of a young man who doesn’t have much going for him but who is thrust into a world where he calls upon skills to become stronger and better. It’s a great opportunity to explore the limits of the imagination and the confines of science.”
The full article was published in The Grand Rapids Press and on-line at MLive. You can read the full text here.

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