Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Garden Fresh Salsa

Some of the best and brightest minds in Michigan have determined that one of the best things to do in order to turn our terrible economy around is to buy local. A couple of those best and brightest minds, namely my girlfriend Amy's parents, have been buying mostly local for a long time now. One of the most fantastic things I have ever encountered in their kitchen is Garden Fresh Salsa. Made in Ferndale, Michigan, not only do the proceeds from buying this salsa go back into the state of Michigan; it's also a really good salsa.

I first discovered the splendor of Garden Fresh last summer, a week or two before I returned to Texas for my final year of my Master's degree. I experienced the great taste of Garden Fresh once, and then Ferndale, Michigan seemed ever so far away. While Amy and I were doing the long distance thing, Amy in Michigan and I in Texas, one of the first things I managed to do in order to remind me of both Amy and my home in Michigan was to go out to Kroger in search of Garden Fresh salsa. Certainly, it was a long shot. One doesn't expect to find local Michigan foods in grocery stores in Texas. But if I hadn't looked, I wouldn't have found this fantastic delicacy that made my days in Texas a little bit yummier. Of course, eating Michigan-made food in Texas is not exactly considered a locavore diet, but it felt good to feel connected. It felt good to eat my chips with a really good salsa.

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