Monday, August 2, 2010

Computer Good Guys

After the demise of the Circuit City franchise in the United States, my second cousin Drew and a couple of his friends, all of whom worked for the company and had just become unemployed computer technicians, started a company to make sure that the people of West Michigan still had qualified individuals around to help them with their computer troubles. That company is called Computer Good Guys.

It's my job to look out for the people that I make recommendations for, my internet public, those who read my blog and are great enough to give my writing the time of day. For that reason, I rarely recommend businesses. I sometimes recommend products, but it'll be a long time before I recommend another business. In general, I believe that businesses are there to take money from one group of people and give it to another group of people, often forcing products and services that the people don't need at prices they cannot afford. This stance is precisely why I am fully behind Computer Good Guys.

A good friend of mine named Adam, also a highly qualified computer technician, said he could never work at a business where they gouged people for simple computer services. Together, Adam and I imagined a business that was concerned with the individuals troubled by computer problems and devoted to repairing those problems at the lowest possible cost to the customer. Upon speaking to Drew, I found that my dream was already fully realized in his company.

If you live in the greater Grand Rapids area and have computer troubles, you're best served by Computer Good Guys. Check out their web site for more information or contact Drew directly.

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